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The Global Education Opportunity Program


Now that you are starting to read about the GEO Program two basic questions should arise: 1. What is the mission of the GEO Program and 2. Why should I get involved?
1.   The GEO Program is a rare privately-monitored opportunity that gives young adults the prospect to participate at United Nations conferences in Geneva, Switzerland during the course of the year. Two conferences are especially recommended: the World Health Assembly (May) and the UN Human Rights Council (March, June, and September). The details of how this mission is accomplished on a day-to-day basis will be found in the Introductory Information page on this website.
2.   Why should I travel many thousands of miles to a foreign country just to listen to what some may classify as “theoretical?” Depending on your country of origin you may not have had a significant opportunity to travel outside your comfort zone and personally interact with individuals who have backgrounds, languages, and capabilities far different from your own. 
   You may have read about (or possibly taken a class in) health issues or even the complexities involved in “human rights”. As is true of so much else, reading or being taught about an issue is a necessary first step, but the world of reality lies outside the library or classroom.
   By attending the UNO Geneva conferences participants (with GEO Staff monitoring and advice) will be observing the “real world” of well-intentioned individuals attempting to resolve difficult and at times even threatening issues by peaceful negotiation rather than threats and violence.
   Thus, whether it is worthwhile in cost and time to take advantage of this rare opportunity to travel to the UN Geneva depends on you yourself - who you think you “are” (at a very inexperienced age) and whether your future educational plans and future working environment include true intellectual curiosity or simply limiting yourself to a trade-school mechanical-type of education. 
   As you can see in the Introductory Information you will not only have rare monitored access to the grounds and working environment of the UN Geneva, but will of necessity have to travel to and live in a foreign country, eat their food, travel in unusual ways, and begin to understand a totally different way of life and attitudes than those to which your background may have accustomed you.
   So if you are up to the challenges and rewards of our GEO Program have a look at the Information Page then fill out and send the Application.


Empower women and girls across the world through quality human rights education and first-hand experience at the international and grass roots level.


We believe in equality and empowerment. In order to understand on-the-ground implementation, we promote active participation. By providing a student program that incorporates real-life experiences, and meaningful interactions we work to across the world and advocate quality human rights education.

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